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Student Self-assessment and Target Setting in English

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS3 KS4

This pack provides a structured sequence of paired worksheets to be used at intervals throughout KS3 and KS4. Students learn to review and assess their performance in the three attainment targets (speaking and listening, reading, and writing) and to set themselves realistic, measurable targets. The first of each worksheet pair concentrates on self-assessment and review of previous targets; the second focuses on target setting and action planning. Appendices give suggestions as to appropriate targets.

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Size: 69 Pages
ISBN: 1 86025 345 8
Author(s): Karina Gorny
Code: SSAT
Popularity rank: 343

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Contents List


Year 7

  • 7 TALK TIME - REVIEW The class choose a topic that they want to debate and make a list of arguments that could be used for or against the chosen topic.
  • 9 TALK TIME - TARGET SETTING Students evaluate their role in a small group discussion and set targets to improve their contribution.
  • 11 READING PROSE - REVIEW The class list the features of a good story, before analysing the opening of a novel of their choice.
  • 13 READING PROSE - TARGET SETTING By producing posters displaying the features of a good story, students set targets to help them improve their analysis of prose.
  • 15 SENTENCES - REVIEW Through writing a paragraph about their journey to school, students review their ability to write accurate sentences.
  • 17 SENTENCES - TARGET SETTING By identifying the verbs, nouns and adjectives in their sentences, students are able to focus on the words they use least often, and make a concerted effort to use these words in five new sentences.

Year 8

  • 19 PRESENTATIONS - REVIEW Students fill in a chart with the skills needed to make speeches in a variety of situations, and they script the best and worst possible openings of a speech.
  • 21 PRESENTATIONS - TARGET SETTING Through playing 'Just a minute' students evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in making a speech.
  • 23 ARGUING THE POINT - REVIEW Students identify facts and opinions in a magazine article and explain the author's point of view.
  • 25 ARGUING THE POINT - TARGET SETTING Through focusing on the skills that are needed to write an article which argues a point of view, students are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in reading similar articles critically.
  • 27 PARAGRAPHS - REVIEW Students consider when a new paragraph should start, developing a set of rules to help them structure a story appropriately.
  • 29 PARAGRAPHS - TARGET SETTING Through careful planning and writing of a diary extract, students are able to set clear targets to help them improve the organisation of their writing.

Year 9

  • 31 NEWS SPEAK - REVIEW Through underlining inappropriate words in a newsreader's speech, students review their use of Standard English.
  • 33 NEWS SPEAK - TARGET SETTING Students assess their strengths and weaknesses in using language appropriately, through examining the effect that standard English has on an audience, in a roleplayed news broadcast.
  • 35 POETRY - REVIEW By looking at the illustration, students list the features they could comment on when discussing a poem. They use their lists to help them plan a written analysis of a poem of their choice.
  • 37 POETRY - TARGET SETTING Students analyse their strengths/weaknesses in reading poetry by producing a poster on a difficult poem.
  • 39 NO SMOKING - REVIEW After carrying out some research, students argue either for or against smoking in public places.
  • 41 NO SMOKING - TARGET SETTING Through writing a well-structured essay, students are able to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses of explaining and developing a point of view.

Year 10

  • 43 PERSUASION - REVIEW After roleplaying a persuasive sales person, students review situations where they would have to practice persuasion and the types of phrase they could use.
  • 45 PERSUASION - TARGET SETTING After a debate about rebuilding a local school, students review their persuasive techniques, before setting targets.
  • 47 DRAMA - REVIEW Students study the opening scene of a play to identify how plot and characterisation are conveyed through the dialogue and stage directions.
  • 49 DRAMA - TARGET SETTING Through experimenting with tone of voice, expression and body language, students learn to read a drama script and understand how characters are constructed on stage.
  • 51 SET THE SCENE - REVIEW Students review the effect of language and structure on a descriptive passage for homework.
  • 53 SET THE SCENE - TARGET SETTING Students create realistic targets to help them to improve their descriptive writing by filling in a chart, analysing their own descriptive paragraphs.

Year 11

  • 55 HEAR, KITTY KITTY - REVIEW After discussing the power of emotive language, students write a leaflet using neutral words and review the difference.
  • 57 HEAR, KITTY KITTY - TARGET SETTING Students write a leaflet full of emotive language explaining why the school system is so cruel to young people (!), before identifying a target to improve their analysis of the impact of certain words on the reader.
  • 59 INSTRUCTIONS - REVIEW By focusing on instructive words, students are able to write their own set of clear instructions.
  • 61 INSTRUCTIONS - TARGET SETTING Students evaluate what makes a good set of instructions before they review their own skills at instructional writing and set clear targets to improve.