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Money Matters: Financial Capability for KS3 and KS4

Price: £75.00
Age Range: KS3 KS4

Activities relevant to everyday situations emphasise the need for financial responsibility and encourage students to examine the reasons why competent money management is important. Worksheets consider various influences on spending and saving. Students gain confidence in using a range of financial tools and involve themselves in scenarios which reinforce their knowledge and understanding.

Topics include: Managing personal money; Working within a budget; Cost of family life; Basic services; Food; Clothes; Community charge; Transport costs; Non-essential expenses; Buying and selling; Ethical buying; Banks and building societies; Insurance; Getting into debt; Legal implications; Keeping pets; Holidays; Methods of earning and saving; Benefit support.


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Size: 128 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 508 3
Author(s): Alan Barton
Code: MMFC
Popularity rank: 17
Average Customer Review:  * * * * *  based on 1 review

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Contents List



  • 7 TAKE CARE OF THE PENNIES... KS3 Students identify the main ways in which people manage their money.
  • 9 MANAGE YOUR MONEY KS4 Students identify the main ways in which people take care of their money.
  • 11 BUDGETING KS3 Students identify ways in which they can work within a budget.
  • 13 BUDGETING KS4 Students identify ways in which they can work within a budget.
  • 15 THE COST OF FAMILY LIFE KS3 Students identify the main ways in which people manage their money.
  • 17 THE COST OF FAMILY LIFE KS4 Students identify the main ways in which people manage their money.
  • 19 THE COST OF BREAKING UP KS4 Students consider some of the financial implications of separation and divorce.
  • 21 BASIC SERVICES KS3 Students identify the range of basic household services and what they might cost.
  • 23 BASIC SERVICES KS4 Students identify the range of basic household services and what they might cost.
  • 25 CARS AND BIKES KS3 Students identify the main costs of buying and running your own transport.
  • 27 CARS AND BIKES KS4 Students identify the main costs of buying and running your own transport.
  • 29 GOING PLACES KS3 Students identify the relative costs of different forms of transport.
  • 31 TRAINS AND BOATS AND PLANES KS4 Students identify the relative costs of different forms of transport.


  • 33 LEISURE PURSUITS KS3 Students identify the costs of leisure pursuits.
  • 35 LOOKING AT LEISURE KS4 Students identify the costs of leisure pursuits.
  • 37 LITTLE LUXURIES KS3 Students explore the cost of non-essentials.
  • 39 WHAT ARE LUXURIES? KS4 Students explore the cost of non-essentials.
  • 41 THE COST OF INDEPENDENCE KS4 Students identify the costs of living independently.
  • 43 FOOD AND HEALTHY LIVING KS3 Students look at the choices and costs involved in having a healthy diet.
  • 45 READY, STEADY, EAT! KS4 Students look at the choices and costs involved in having a healthy diet.
  • 47 BUT IT'S NOT GOT THE LOGO! KS3 Students identify the financial implications of being a 'fashion victim'.
  • 49 GET THE LOOK FOR LESS KS3 Students identify the financial implications of being a 'fashion victim'.
  • 51 IT'S YOU! KS3 Students decide what they would do if they won or inherited a lot of money.
  • 53 IT WON'T CHANGE MY LIFE! KS4 Students decide what they would do if they won or inherited a lot of money.
  • 55 MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR CAST-OFFS KS3 Students identify ways of buying and selling personal goods.
  • 57 BUYING AND SELLING A BIKE KS4 Students identify ways of buying and selling personal goods.
  • 59 COUNTING THE COSTS KS3 Students identify the cost of buying ethically.
  • 61 FAIRER FOR ALL KS4 Students identify the cost of buying ethically.


  • 63 BANKING WORLD KS3 Students understand basic banking and building society services.
  • 65 BANKING WORLD KS4 Students understand basic banking and building society services.
  • 67 CARDS FOR EVERYTHING KS4 Students explore the uses for plastic cards.
  • 69 CREDIT WISE KS4 Students learn about buying goods on credit.
  • 71 INSURANCE KS4 Students find out some uses for insurance.
  • 73 CHARGES: COUNCIL TAX KS4 Students understand the reasons for Council Tax and what it pays for.
  • 75 EVERYONE PAYS... KS4 Students learn the purpose of income tax.
  • 77 GETTING INTO DEBT KS4 Students understand what happens when debt becomes a problem.
  • 79 STAYING OUT OF COURT KS4 Students learn some strategies for dealing with financial liabilities.


  • 81 IN YOUR POCKET KS3 Students learn that even pocket money needs to be managed.
  • 83 SPARE CASH KS4 Students learn to manage pocket money and earnings from part-time work.
  • 85 HOBBIES KS3 Students look at the cost of hobbies.
  • 87 MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR HOBBIES KS4 Students look at how hobbies can make cash.
  • 89 MY LITTLE PONY! KS4 Students understand the cost of keeping pets.
  • 91 PETS FOR PROFIT KS4 Students look at ways in which pets can earn money for their owners.
  • 93 GETTING AWAY ON HOLIDAY KS3 Students look at the cost of going on holiday.
  • 95 BIG CHANGE, SMALL CHANGE KS4 Students learn to convert different currencies.


  • 97 TO SAVE OR NOT TO SAVE KS3 Students consider different ways of saving.
  • 99 SOMETHING FOR A RAINY DAY KS4 Students consider different ways of saving.


  • 101 EMPLOYMENT KS4 Students look at the pros and cons of getting a job at 16.
  • 103 TRAINING KS4 Students look at the pros and cons of training.
  • 105 THE COST OF CONTINUED EDUCATION KS4 Students look at the pros and cons of carrying on their education.
  • 107 BENEFITS KS4 Students find out about the benefits that are available to people in need.


  • 109 REVIEW SESSION 1 FOR KS3 KS3 Students find solutions to financial issues.
  • 111 REVIEW SESSION 2 FOR KS3 KS3 Students find solutions to financial issues.
  • 113 REVIEW SESSION 1 FOR KS4 KS4 Students find solutions to financial issues.
  • 115 REVIEW SESSION 2 FOR KS3 KS4 Students find solutions to financial issues.
  • 117 FINANCIAL CAPABILITY QUIZ KS3 & KS4 Students test and review their understanding of money matters.
  • 118-136 APPENDICES Teacher portfolio evidence planning sheets and appendices for use with worksheets.



Name and school withheld.

Excellent for my ks3 students. They will gain life long skills from each tasks.
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