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12 products found with "shakespeare formative"![]()
Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: Macbeth
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: Twelfth Night
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: Measure For Measure
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: Othello
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Formative Assessment in Shakespeare: The Tempest
High quality formative assessment that is incredibly easy to administer. Best of all, all the marking is done for you.
Separate tests for each act, major character and important theme...
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Developing Techniques to Write and Read Poetry
...Shakespeare; The Shape on the Page; Different Lengths; Sounds Right; Find the Rhymes; Starting a Sonnet; Ballads; Acrostics; Verses; Limericks.
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Applying ICT to English
...Shakespeare; Acrostic poems; Using a thesaurus; Word search; Poetry; Report writing and layout; Questionnaires. ICT applications include: Database; Word processing; DTP; Internet and CDROM; Spreadshee...
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Poetry Techniques to Challenge Gifted and Talented Students
Students discover the technical side of poetry and through this develop their own poetry techniques and creative writing skills, as well as their ability to appreciate and criticise texts. Lesson plan...
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Raising Achievement in GCSE English Literature
Designed to lift your D grade students to C grade or above. Activities focus on the specific skills required for success in English Literature as opposed to English, and emphasise assessment objective...
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