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Improving Behaviour In and Out of the Classroom

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS3

Assists in maintaining your school's behavioural policy and enables students and staff to examine their own behaviour and its effects on others. A student-centred approach addresses issues associated with low-level disruption.

Key concepts covered are: Appropriate behaviour for different situations; Learning to control temper; Identifying stress levels; The need to respect cultural differences; The consequences of actions.

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Size: 68 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 164 1
Author(s): Anthony Grunwell
Code: IBIO
Popularity rank: 13
Average Customer Review:  * * * * *  based on 5 reviews

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Contents List



  • 9 ALL PULL TOGETHER This page establishes the essential principles for a school behaviour policy.
  • 11 BEHAVIOUR MATTERS Using roleplay, students explore the meaning of the word behaviour.
  • 13 THIS IS ME, ISN'T IT? Students are asked to describe how others might view their behaviour.
  • 15 A TIME AND A PLACE Looking at different types of behaviour according to the social setting.
  • 17 FLASHPOINTS Through discussion, students develop strategies for keeping their tempers.
  • 19 HAPPINESS IS... Students analyse what makes them happy, and devise ways of overcoming barriers.
  • 21 NO MAN IS AN ISLAND This page examines why we adapt our behaviour to different social settings.
  • 23 MEDIA MESSAGES Students consider whether behaviour is influenced by the media.
  • 25 SENDING MESSAGES Looking at the signals transmitted by different types of personal behaviour.
  • 27 CHANGING FACES Students identify their good points and consider how these may be projected.


  • 29 BEHAVIOUR AUDIT Students devise a way of monitoring changes in their behaviour.
  • 31 PUPIL CHARTER Using a sample charter, students develop simple rules for behaviour in school.
  • 33 DISTRESSING TIMES Students look at how stressful situations can affect behaviour.
  • 35 TIME MANAGEMENT Students develop time management skills by planning and prioritising tasks.
  • 37 OTHER PEOPLE MATTER By considering the sequence of events leading up to an accident, students consider the effects of thoughtless (as opposed to bad) behaviour.
  • 39 BEHAVIOUR & PERFORMANCE Students consider how behaviour can affect performance.
  • 41 ACTION PLAN Students assess their current performance then set targets for the next term.
  • 43 PUBLIC RELATIONS By devising a code of conduct for a new school, students consider how appropriate behaviour can help to foster good relations with the wider community.
  • 45 RESPECT This page encourages students to encourage better understanding of other people's differences.
  • 47 THE GENDER TRAP This page explores gender issues relating to behaviour.


  • 49 RETALIATION Looking at reasons behind, and the consequences of, retaliatory behaviour.
  • 51 A MATTER OF OPINION Students design and conduct a survey on a new school behaviour policy.
  • 53 SURVEY RESULTS Students analyse the responses from their completed survey.
  • 55 CONSEQUENCES This page examines the far-reaching effects of certain actions.
  • 57 EXPECTATIONS Do we expect the same standards of behaviour from everyone?
  • 59 PAYING THE PRICE Students discuss the use of sanctions in school, and in society as a whole.
  • 61 YOUR PRESENT, YOUR FUTURE This page looks at the long-term effects of judicial punishment.
  • 63 TRIAL RUN By roleplaying a trial, students take a further look at the judicial process.
  • 65 POLICY Students use the knowledge gained in this pack to devise their own behaviour policy.
  • 67 EVALUATION Students identify targets for the behaviour of themselves, and their class.



Name and school withheld.

The resources included useful scenarios, but some of the worksheets feel a little cluttered. If I were to purchase the resources I would want to be able to modify them for differentiation. Nevertheless, they were useful in getting the pupils to think about how their behaviour and the consequences of their behaviour.
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I really need time to read through, but the few pages i was able to glance through is really informative and is a must have for schools.
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think the situations/examples need to be more up to date really. The pictures need to be made a bit more modern to me it seems little bit old hat. Think the scenarios need to be on more up to date issues, aside from this i still like chalk face and have found some of their materials handy
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Name and school withheld.

I found the lesson plans to be rother directly "suggesting", than let the students discovering the desirable ideas. I would rother let my students puzzle, than let them taking the suggested keywords for granted.
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julie roberts

I am a teaching assistant in a high school learning support unit. I guide and support teach pupils with behaviour problems. There are a lot of useful lessons in the book which I will use.
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Teacher Testing Report

The overall concept of the pack provides a positive focal point to a much neglected area.
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