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Design Technology Textiles for Year 7

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS3

These resources are for teaching Textiles to KS3 students unfamiliar with the subject. Written to address the Key Stage 3 scheme of work for Year 7 Textiles, students develop skills for use in later life. They are encouraged to collect and use information, find alternatives, problem solve and work as a team. Lesson plans and worksheets assume no prior subject knowledge and learning is consolidated in a DMA, Be Seen.

Topics include: Introduction to textiles; Fabric construction, properties and testing; Small textile equipment; The sewing machine; Fabric decoration; Introduction to the DMA; Research methods; Information gathering; Design; Seams; Specifications; Pattern layout; Safety and quality; Product evaluation.

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Size: 73 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 399 7
Author(s): Debra Haigh
Code: DTT7
Popularity rank: 71
Average Customer Review:  * * * * *  based on 5 reviews

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Contents List


  • 5 General Guidelines
  • 6 INTRODUCTION TO TEXTILES Students recognise that textiles are all around us and identify their properties and uses.
  • 8 FABRIC CONSTRUCTION In this Design Technology Textiles lesson plan, students identify the basic methods of constructing fabrics.
  • 10 FABRIC PROPERTIES Students are introduced to the important properties of different fabrics.
  • 12 FABRIC TESTING - WATER ABSORPTION This lesson plan introduces students to the idea of fair testing, and apply it in an experiment to test fabrics for their water absorption.
  • 14 FABRIC TESTING - ABRASION Students apply fair testing, in planning and carrying out a test of abrasion resistance.
  • 16 INTRODUCTION TO SMALL TEXTILE EQUIPMENT This worksheet helps students recognise commonly used equipment and describe its safe and correct use.
  • 18 USING THE SEWING MACHINE Students identify parts of the sewing machine and understand how to ensure safe use.
  • 20 SEWING CORNERS AND CURVES This lesson plan focuses on teaching students to use the sewing machine to turn corners and sew curves.
  • 22 DYES AND TIE AND DYE Students focus on the tie and dye method of decoration.
  • 24 FABRIC DECORATION - APPLIQUÉ Students will be able to produce a sample of appliqué.
  • 26 FABRIC DECORATION - STENCILLING Students will be able to use stencilling as a method of decoration.
  • 28 FABRIC DECORATION - LOGOS Students use CAD/CAM to produce a logo.
  • 30 INTRODUCTION TO THE DMA This lesson plan introduces the design brief and asks students to carry out a thorough analysis of the task.
  • 32 PRODUCING A DESIGN SPECIFICATION Students write a specification based on research findings.
  • 34 INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS Students explore a range of research methods highlighting those which are most appropriate.
  • 36 GATHERING INFORMATION Students develop ways of asking questions that will gather relevant information.
  • 38 PRESENTING RESULTS Students experiment with ways of presenting data with ICT.
  • 40 RESEARCH: DISASSEMBLY Students explore disassembly as a means of researching solutions to a problem.
  • 42 DESIGNING TO FIT THE INTENDED USER Students recognise that items may need to be made in different sizes.
  • 44 MAKE IT PERSONAL Students design appropriate logos for the item considering the intended purpose.
  • 46 PRODUCING STRAIGHT SEAMS Students are able to produce a perfect straight seam and investigate how the use of different stitch lengths can affect the strength of the seam.
  • 48 INVESTIGATING SEAM FINISHES This worksheet helps students understand the concept of finishing a seam in a way appropriate for its intended use.
  • 50 CONSTRUCTING A SEAM Students are able to construct a French and a flat fell seam and consider their water resistancy.
  • 52 MAKING A HEM OR A CASING Students are able to produce a hem or casing.
  • 54 FINAL DESIGN Students can pull together all ideas and write a product specification.
  • 56 PATTERN LAYOUT Students apply the idea of correct pattern layout.
  • 58 PLANNING FOR SAFETY AND QUALITY Students understand production planning, safety and quality checks, use of feedback, and the input-output process.
  • 60 PRODUCT EVALUATION Students are able to evaluate a product.
  • 62 APPENDIX 1 for use with page7
  • 63 APPENDIX 2 for use with page 7
  • 64 APPENDIX 3 for use with page 11
  • 65 APPENDIX 4 for use with pages 13 and 15
  • 66 APPENDIX 5 for use with page 17
  • 67 APPENDIX 6 for use with page 23
  • 68 APPENDIX 7 for use with page 49
  • 69 APPENDIX 8 for use with page 51
  • 70 APPENDIX 9 for use with page 59
  • 71 APPENDIX 10 for use with page 59



Name and school withheld.

Excellent resource. Kids loved it
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Name and school withheld.

Thank you incredibly, After 15 years of not instructing junior-level technology, this information has proven useful. It has made my job much simpler.
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Name and school withheld.

This is comprehensive and detailed. It aligns with the National curriculum easily. It covers a lot. I used around 75% of the content and the unit was highly successful. Thankyou
Was this review helpful to you?

The whole booklet is very useful and I have adapted some of it when I have needed too. Very helpful.
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Name and school withheld.

fast download, unfortunately the design of the sheets is poor!
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Gilly Dobson at The Design and Technolgy Association

Good value at £25.00
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Gilly Dobson at The Design and Technolgy Association

Some of the work sheets could be done as homework exercises.
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Gilly Dobson at The Design and Technolgy Association

A particularly good resource for teachers new to teaching textiles technology.
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Gilly Dobson at The Design and Technolgy Association

A good resource for supply teachers.
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Gilly Dobson at The Design and Technolgy Association

Covers a lot of basic textiles knowledge that most pupils would need to cover in year 7.
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Gilly Dobson at The Design and Technolgy Association

Useful for pupils with special educational needs.
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