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Raising Achievement in GCSE History: The Modern World

Price: £25.00
Age Range: KS4

Designed to enable D grade candidates to raise their levels of achievement to C or above. Each worksheet is related to a topic in the Modern World syllabus and focuses on skill development activities rather than traditional practice questions. Comprehensive Teachers' Notes detail the difference between D grade and C grade responses and offer exam preparation hints.

Topics include: Hitler's rise to power; Anti-semitism; The Wall Street Crash; Life during the Depression; Ku Klux Klan; Civil Rights movement; Cuba and the arms race; Apartheid.

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Size: 68 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 314 0
Author(s): Nigel Bushnell
Code: RAHI
Popularity rank: 268

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Contents List



  • 7 KEY AREAS Students revise important people, terms and events of World War One and answer three practise examination questions.
  • 9 RECRUITMENT & CONSCRIPTION Students brainstorm information in order to develop skills in writing relevant and concise answers to an examination question.
  • 11 THE HOME FRONT After gathering information students write an answer to a question frequently covered by examination boards.


  • 13 KEY AREAS Students match important people, terms and events to the period 1919-39 in order to answer short, examination-type questions.
  • 15 TREATY OF VERSAILLES Students brainstorm ideas to produce notes suitable for answering an example of a GCSE question in a relevant way.
  • 17 THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Students use the information given to plan a concise and relevant answer to a GCSE question.


  • 19 KEY AREAS Students revise important people, terms and events in order to answer short, GCSE-style questions.
  • 21 RISE OF HITLER Students practise using source material in order to answer evidence-based GCSE-style questions.
  • 23 METHODS OF CONTROL Students use source material in order to practise analysing and interpreting evidence.

RUSSIA 1905-1953

  • 25 KEY AREAS Students reexamine important people, events and terms in order to answer short, GCSE-style questions.
  • 27 CAUSES OF REVOLUTION - LENIN Students use source material on Russia in order to answer evidence-based GCSE-style questions.
  • 29 STALIN Students use source material to practise GCSE-style questions requiring the analysis and interpretation of evidence.


  • 31 KEY AREAS Students match important people, terms and events, and answer three practise GCSE-type questions.
  • 33 THE HOME FRONT Students use prompts to make notes to enable them to answer a longer type of GCSE question.
  • 35 THE WELFARE STATE Students gather information in order to answer a longer type of GCSE question.

USA 1919-1990

  • 37 KEY AREAS Students revise important people, terms and events of the period and answer three practise short examination questions.
  • 39 THE DEPRESSION Students gather information in order to tackle a longer type of GCSE question on the Wall Street crash and the Depression.
  • 41 THE NEW DEAL This sheet provides revision prompts to enable students to plan and answer a question on the New Deal.
  • 43 AMERICA AND WORLD WAR TWO Students use information from the sheet to develop an answer to a longer type of GCSE question.
  • 45 CIVIL RIGHTS Students brainstorm the information needed to develop a plan to provide a detailed answer to a question on black America from 1950 to 1970.


  • 47 KEY AREAS Students match important people, terms and events in order to tackle three short, GCSE-style questions on China.
  • 49 1949 - REVOLUTION Students use source material on China to answer evidence-based GCSE-style questions.
  • 51 THE DICTATORSHIP Students are given information to form the basis of a plan to answer a longer GCSE question on Mao Tse-Tung.


  • 53 KEY AREAS Students revise important people, terms and events in order to tackle three short, GCSE-style questions.
  • 55 NATO AND THE WARSAW PACT Students use prompts from the page to plan an answer to a longer-style GCSE question.
  • 57 THE 1960S - VIETNAM Students use information from the page and their own knowledge to answer a range of questions on the war in Vietnam.

SOUTH AFRICA 1945-1994

  • 59 KEY AREAS Students match important people, terms and events in order to tackle three short, GCSE-style questions on South Africa.
  • 61 THE RISE AND FALL OF APARTHEID Students use information on the page and in an appendix to develop an answer to a GCSE-style question.


  • 62 1 - RISE OF HITLER, page 21
  • 63 2 - METHODS OF CONTROL, page 23
  • 64 3 - CAUSES OF REVOLUTION - LENIN, page 27
  • 65 4 - STALIN, page 29
  • 66 5 - 1949 - REVOLUTION, page 49
  • 67 6 - THE RISE AND FALL OF APARTHEID, page 61

Additional Resources: Online Assessment

Preview tests forThe Cuban Missile Crisis andNazi Germany delivered via our Yacapaca assessment system.

These tests are part of a larger assessment resource which can be foundhere.