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Investigating Modern Christianity

Price: £49.95
Age Range: KS3

In response to OFSTED and syllabus demands, students are encouraged to recognise Christianity as a living, world-wide faith rather than just old hat. Modern developments are explored through activities in three sections: Beliefs in the modern world; 20th century movements; The way forward.

Topics include: Christian virtues in the 20th century; Ordination of women; Ecumenical and charismatic movements; Oscar Romero; Changing face of mission; Third millennium challenges.

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Size: 119 Pages
ISBN: 978 1 86025 335 5
Author(s): Lesley Parry
Code: INMC
Popularity rank: 393

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Contents List


Section 1 - Beliefs In The Modern World

  • 9 THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT Students produce short plays exploring 'the fruits of the Spirit' as defined by St Paul and begin to consider how these fruits might influence a person's life today.
  • 11 MODERN LIVING Students use headlines to explore the relevance of 'the fruits', as defined by St Paul, to society today.
  • 13 HOW DOES YOUR TREE GROW? Students draw trees exploring the Christian idea that our words and deeds are the fruit of our selves.
  • 15 CHRISTIAN LOVE Students look at the life of Mother Teresa, in order to gain an understanding of the concept of Christian love.
  • 17 FAITH AND HEALING Students respond to a story that explores the Christian belief in the power of faith and gain an appreciation of its essential difference from non-Christian beliefs in 'mind over matter'.
  • 19 PATIENCE Students draw scenes on the theme of patience and compare the value that society places on patience with the value that Christian teaching places on patience.
  • 21 KNOCK, KNOCK Students gain an understanding of the Christian term 'witness' through roleplayed conversations and discover why some Christians regard it as an essential part of their faith.
  • 23 O-CLASS OUT! Students explore the Christian attitude towards prejudice, including belief in non-violent protest, and gain an understanding of the belief that the strength to fight prejudice comes from the Holy Spirit.
  • 25 GOODNESS SHINES THROUGH Students look at the life of Corrie Ten Boom to explore the concept of 'goodness' and consider the role of faith in supporting a person who achieves this level of goodness.
  • 27 IS ENOUGH EVER ENOUGH? Students write acrostic poems to explore the concept of forgiveness as a Christian fruit of the Spirit, and examine the extent to which forgiveness can be taken.
  • 29 SELFLESS CARING Students produce posters showing the role of pastoral carers in a hospice and other settings.
  • 31 PEACE IN OUR TIME Students use illustrations of conflict to explore the Christian attitude to peace and consider how this might be demonstrated in the context of personal and national conflicts.
  • 33 DON'T LOSE IT! Students draw scenes exploring the concept of self-control, relating it to everyday life and looking at the consequences of having and losing self-control.
  • 35 GOT TO HAVE FAITH Students look at comments made by Terry Waite to explore faith - and how it can be strengthened or weakened by adversity.
  • 37 A LITTLE KINDNESS Students plan an assembly exploring the issue of kindness within the context of the school, and think about how an act of kindness can benefit the giver as well as the receiver.
  • 39 GENTLENESS Students design training manuals for aliens on the human quality of gentleness.
  • 41 WHAT DID YOU SAY? Students design web pages on prophecy and speaking in tongues, and consider the purpose of these gifts of the Spirit in today's society.
  • 43 HAVE YOU GOT A CLUE? Students write clues for a crossword as a way of revising and reinforcing the work done on fruits of the Spirit.

Section 2 - Contemporary Christian Movements

  • 45 ALL IN ORDER Students learn about liturgical worship, its content and value to those participating, by looking at a traditional Church of England service.
  • 47 THE THEME FOR TODAY Students plan a non-liturgical, structured Christian service, considering how it differs from liturgical worship and why some people might prefer it.
  • 49 THE SOUND OF SILENCE Students experience silence and learn how and why the experience of silence is an integral part of Quaker meetings.
  • 51 LET IT SHINE Students design a picture board showing how the fruits of the Spirit can be expressed during a Charismatic service, and gain an understanding of some of the elements of such a service.
  • 53 A JOYOUS MOVEMENT Students design leaflets about the origins and style of the Charismatic Movement, in order to understand its essential characteristics and its place within Christianity.
  • 55 MONKS FOR TODAY Students find out about Benedictine monks and roleplay interviews to discover why monasticism is a growing movement, with relevance in today's world.
  • 57 THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Students design a cover for a book about the World Council of Churches, and gain an understanding of the purpose and work of this body.
  • 59 TAIZÉ Students design adverts for Taizé and explore this community's attempt to translate the Ecumenical Movement into practice.
  • 61 LIBERATION THEOLOGY Students are introduced to liberation theology and write conversations exploring the arguments for and against it.
  • 63 FAITH IN THE CITY Students discover how the Church Urban Fund is attempting to address some of the social problems faced by people in Britain's cities, and plan an imaginary project that the Fund might support.
  • 65 OFF WITH THE HEAD! Students learn of the historical background to the structural organisation of the Church of England and debate the arguments for and against disestablishmentarianism.
  • 67 MEN ONLY Students consider opinions from a number of sources, including Biblical, in order to explore the arguments against the ordination of women.
  • 69 ALL ARE WELCOME Students consider opinions from a number of sources, including Biblical, in order to explore the arguments for the ordination of women.
  • 71 THE BIBLE'S VIEW Students carry out Biblical study in order to uncover some of the evidence used by feminist theologians to argue for an equal position for women within the church.
  • 73 SEX AND SEXUALITY Students create collages to explore the meaning of sexuality and consider the Church's view that self-control is necessary for dealing with our sexuality.
  • 75 LOVE, SEX AND MARRIAGE Students discuss the basic beliefs of the Christian church about love, sex and marriage, and begin to form their own opinions of these views.
  • 77 A SECOND CHANCE Students gain an understanding of the issues surrounding remarriage in the Church of England and produce leaflets on the vicar's role in agreeing to divorcees marrying in Church.
  • 79 WHO CAN DO GOD'S WORK? Students debate the issue of whether or not the Church should accept gay vicars.

Section 3 - The Way Forward

  • 81 REVERENCE FOR LIFE Students script three-minute films on the life of Albert Schweitzer and gain an understanding of the driving force behind his life's work.
  • 83 INSPIRATIONAL Students gain an awareness of how Mother Teresa had an impact on the modern world through her own actions, and write speeches on the way in which her life and work inspired others.
  • 85 CORRIE TEN BOOM Students learn about the life of Corrie Ten Boom as an example of a Christian whose beliefs influence actions, and write letters exploring her motives.
  • 87 A MAN CALLED ROMERO Students learn about the life of Archbishop Romero and script discussion expressing a variety of opinion about his beliefs and work.
  • 89 ACROSS THE DIVIDE Students look at the work of David Sheppard and Derek Worlock and design exhibitions.
  • 91 COLOUR DOESN'T MATTER Students write news reports on the work of Trevor Huddleston in South Africa and consider why he campaigned for black South Africans.
  • 93 THE VOICE OF EQUALITY Students produce posters about the work of Desmond Tutu and consider the role of priests in politics.
  • 95 WHEN PRINCIPLES ARE NOT ENOUGH Students learn about Dietrich Bonhoeffer and write statements on whether a pacifist is ever justified in setting aside his or her principles.
  • 97 A CHRISTIAN CAMPAIGNER Students design posters showing the central importance of Martin Luther King's Christian faith and how these beliefs influenced his actions.
  • 99 SPORTING HEROES Students write news articles looking at how Christian faith influences sports personalities and explore how faith can be central to their performance.
  • 101 TURNING HOMEWARD Students plan an aid programme to help homeless people in the United Kingdom and consider if and how the Church should be focusing on social issues in the United Kingdom.
  • 103 THE MILLENNIUM RESOLUTION Students consider the Millennium resolution written by Churches Together In England and produce posters showing ways in which the resolution could be put into practice.
  • 105 MY MILLENNIUM RESOLUTION Students fill in charts showing how they could translate the ideas of the Millennium Resolution into personal resolutions and goals for themselves.
  • 107 A BETTER FUTURE TOGETHER Students prioritise some of the issues facing the United Kingdom and consider the concerns identified by the Church of England as those being in urgent need of attention.
  • 109 JUBILEE FOR ALL PEOPLE Students produce pamphlets on the 'New Start' as envisioned by the Church of England, and consider how Jubilee could be the basis for this new start.
  • 111 CALLING ALL THE WORLD Students gain an understanding of how the Church endeavours to keep up with the changing world and design web pages to spread the Christian message.
  • 113 COMING AT YOU Students write radio plays exploring the different methods used to get the Christian message across to people these days, and reflect on how different methods might appeal to different people.
  • 115 SELLING IT Students look at a Church advertisement and debate the morality and effectiveness of Church advertising campaigns.
  • 117 AN EVERYDAY OCCURRENCE Students learn about the legal requirements of assemblies and consider the role they play within a school.
  • 119 FAITHS TOGETHER Students explore the significance of multi-faith worship and consider whether a single world faith would be either possible or desirable.